Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the school located?

Our school is in Eastern Uganda, Pallisa Town, 1km off Kumi Road, opposite Busitema University, Pallisa Campus.

Is the school registered by the government?

Yes. The school is fully registered by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Sports. and it is examined by the Uganda Nursing and Medical Council. It holds a certificate as a private Business, Technical, Vocational Education, and Training (BTVET) Institution. It has a Government Center Number, and all examinations are written from the school.

How much is school fees/tuition?

Our fees and school requirements are affordable as we target at providing Low Cost but High-Quality Education. Fees payment modalities are also available. Please contact the school for fees structure.

Do you charge admission fee?

Yes.  We charge a modest admission fee of UShs.100,000= (one hundred thousand shillings) just to meet the school admission expenses.  This fee is paid to the school’s bank account. Sorry, no cash is payable at the school.

Do you charge commitment fee?

No.  We do not charge commitment fees nor any other fees other than the fees prescribed in the admission letter. 

Can I pay tuition to the school bursar?

No. All our students are required to deposit their tuition to the bank or pay by school pay system using student code once they are admitted. Please contact the school for the bank or school pay system code details.

Does the school offer scholarships or benefits to new students?

Yes. Our new students enjoy various benefits including, scholarships, new mattresses, personal requirements etc. Please contact the school for more details.

Do you admit male nurses?

Yes. Our school gives study opportunities to both female and male students for all its program courses.

Do you admit international students?

Yes.  We accept students from other countries.  International students are responsible for study permits, visas, and the accreditation of their academic documents.

Is the school affiliated to any other nursing school in Uganda?

Our school is NOT affiliated to any nursing school. We also do not have Agents from any nursing school that admit students on our behalf. Any interested students should contact the school for admission.

What is the pass rate of your school?

Our students pass exams with flying colours.  Our pass rate ranges from 100% – 98%, with a greater proportion of students passing with distinctions.  Our school is among the best five (5) in the Country, and the best in Eastern Uganda in both academic and ethical conduct.